About the

"Be-th0ven" is an exquisite 3D representation of an authentic spaceship that uniquely blends futuristic design with traditional authentic aesthetics. The artwork invites viewers into a cozy, dimly-lit cabin adorned with rich Arabic carpets and ornate decorations, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere amidst the cold expanse of space. This fusion of styles is not just a visual delight but also a narrative device, symbolizing the blend of the past with the future, tradition with innovation. The intricate designs and motifs on the carpets and walls serve as a nod to the rich cultural heritage that continues to influence even the most advanced technological explorations.


At the heart of this piece is the story of Starmen, a star traveler on a quest that transcends the physical realm. His journey through the stars is a metaphorical search for love, a theme that resonates deeply with the human experience. The spaceship, a sanctuary among the stars, becomes a character in its own right, encapsulating the solitude and hope of Starmen's odyssey. The artwork is a testament to the artist's ability to create a space that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant. It offers viewers not just a glimpse into a technologically advanced future but also an introspective journey, encouraging them to ponder the timeless pursuit of love and connection in the vast, uncharted territories of space and heart.
